Simple Password Generator Using Python ITPlayzz March 15, 2021 Password generator 0 Comments Password Generator Using Python We are going to produce a random password Generator using python. For a Password Generator we should import string and … Read more
Find the Substring . Given s and x , determine the zero-based index of the first occurrence of x in s String s consists of lowercase letters in the range ascii(a-z) String x consists of lower case letters and may also contain a single wildcard character ‘*’ that represents any one character. April 17, 2022
Pangram is a sentence containing every letter in the English alphabet.Given a string find all the characters that are missing from the string i.e , the characters that can make the string pangram . We need to print the output in alphabetic order You have to find that character to make this string pangram September 26, 2022
A Company has launched a new test editor that allows users to enter English letters numbers, and whitespaces only. If as user attempts to enter any other type of character it is counted as a miss. January 23, 2022