Python program to get number of Palindrome words in a line of text

What is Palindrome?

A palindrome is a word, number, phrase, or other sequence of characters which reads the same backward as forward.



Method 1:

lower():This method converts a string into lowercase

word[::-1]:This is used to reverse lists,strings


Step1:Take input from user

Step2:Split sentence into words

Step3:Check if word and its reverse are same

Step4:If Same add word to list l

Step5:Total number of palindromes is length of list l


st=input("enter sentence")

for word in st.split():

   if word.lower()==word[::-1].lower():


print("Total  number of palindrome words in a sentence: ",len(l))


Method 2:

checkP:     Function to check if a word is palindrome

countP(str):Function to count palindrome words


Step1:splitting each word as spaces as delimiter and storing it into a list

Step2:Iterating every element from list and checking if it is a palindrome

Step3:if the word is a palindrome, increment the count.

def checkP(word):             #2

   if word.lower() == word.lower()[::-1]:   

       return True

def countP(str):

   count = 0

   Words = str.split(" ")         #1

   for elements in Words:

       if (checkP(elements)):

           count += 1 #3


countP(input("enter text"))
