Codewars: Valid Parentheses Description Write a python function such that it takes a string of parentheses, and determines if the order of the parenthe…
Read moreCodewars:IPv4 to int32 Description : Take the following IPv4 address: This address has 4 octets where each octet is a single byte (or 8 bits).…
Read moreCodeWars:Valid Spacing Challenge Name: Valid Spacing Challenge Description: Write a python function called valid_spacing() or validSpacing() which c…
Read moreCodeWars:Reversed Words Challenge Name: Reversed Words Challenge Description: Complete the solution so that it reverses all of the words within the stri…
Read morePython program to get number of Palindrome words in a line of text What is Palindrome? A palindrome is a word, number, phrase, or other sequence of char…
Read moreAge Calculator without any built-in function I have given both codes with using in built-in module and without using it.Please Share if found helpful …
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