Codewars: Valid Parentheses


Write a python function such  that it takes a string of parentheses, and determines if the order of the parentheses is valid. The function should return true if the string is valid, and false if it's invalid.


"(  )" must return "True"
"((((" must return "False"
"()()()" must return "True"
"((()" must return False


0 <= input.length <= 100

Along with opening ( and closing ) parenthesis, input may contain any valid ASCII characters. Furthermore, the input string may be empty and/or not contain any parentheses at all. Do not treat other forms of brackets as parentheses (e.g. []{}<>).


def valid_parentheses(string):
    for s in string:
        if s=="(":
        elif s==")":
                return False
    if len(valid)==0:
        return True
        return False


1.iterate each character in string

2.if s=="(" character is added to list "valid"

3.if s==")" charcter is poped which was added before

4.if character ")" is not found "False" is returned

5.if lenght of "valid" is 0 then True is returned

6.else False is returned