CodeWars:Valid Spacing

Challenge Name:

Valid Spacing

Challenge Description:

Write a python function called valid_spacing() or validSpacing() which checks if a string has valid spacing. The function should return either True or False.

Syntax for valid spacing is one space between words, and no leading or trailing spaces.Some examples of what the function should return.

Challenge link:


'Hello world' = True
' Hello world' = False
'Hello world ' = False
'Hello world' = False
'Hello' = True
# Even though there are no spaces, it is still valid because none are needed
'Helloworld' = True
# True because we are not checking for the validity of words.
'Helloworld ' = False
' ' = False
'' = True
def valid_spacing(s):
    if s.startswith(' ') or s.endswith(' '):
        return False
    return '  ' not in s


Check if s starts with a space or s ends with space ,if a space is found 'False' is returned.
Finally if double space if found return False else return True

If any suggestions and any mistakes please comment !!