Drawing shapes and putting text in OpenCV using Python ITPlayzz April 27, 2021 begineer 0 Comments Drawing Shapes and putting Text OpenCV also gives feature to add shapes and text to an image Fill Image with color You can fill an image with color as… Read more
Find the Substring . Given s and x , determine the zero-based index of the first occurrence of x in s String s consists of lowercase letters in the range ascii(a-z) String x consists of lower case letters and may also contain a single wildcard character ‘*’ that represents any one character. April 17, 2022
Pangram is a sentence containing every letter in the English alphabet.Given a string find all the characters that are missing from the string i.e , the characters that can make the string pangram . We need to print the output in alphabetic order You have to find that character to make this string pangram September 26, 2022
A Company has launched a new test editor that allows users to enter English letters numbers, and whitespaces only. If as user attempts to enter any other type of character it is counted as a miss. January 23, 2022